pas de note
Nom du groupe
Future Of The Left
Nom de l'album
The Plot Against Common Sense
Date de parution
Juin 2012
Xtra Mile Recordings
Style MusicalNoise Rock
Membres possèdant cet album1
1. Sheena Is a T-Shirt Salesman |
2. Failed Olympic Bid |
3. Beneath the Waves an Ocean |
4. Cosmo’s Ladder |
5. City of Exploded Children |
6. Goals in Slow Motion |
7. Camp Cappuccino |
8. Polymers Are Forever |
9. Robocop 4 – Fuck Off Robocop |
10. Sorry Dad, I Was Late for the Riots |
11. I Am the Least of Your Problems |
12. A Guide to Men |
13. Anchor |
14. Rubber Animals |
15. Notes on Achieving Orbit |