The Yes Story

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Band Name Yes
Album Name The Yes Story
Type Compilation
Released date 2003
Music StyleSymphonic Prog
Members owning this album7


1. Awaken (Yes)
2. Journey to the Center of the Earth (Rick Wakeman)
3. To Be Over (Steve Howe)
4. Violet Purple Rose (Chris Squire & Billy Sherwood)
5. Open Your Eyes (Yes)
6. Owner of a Lonely Heart (Jon Anderson)
1. Yours Is No Disgrace (Yes)
2. Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands (Steve Howe & Jon Anderson)
3. I Believe (Jemma Wakeman)
4. Merlin the Magician (Rick Wakeman)
5. Roundabout (Yes)
6. Tron Thomi (Chris Squire)
7. It's All Over Now Baby Blue (Steve Howe & Annie Hasmam)
8. Lonesome Trail (Chris Squire & Billy Sherwood)
9. Dancing Fool (Jon Anderson)
10. Your Move (Yes)

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