Europe : Cherokee

Тексты песен


They lived in peace, not long ago
A mighty Indian tribe
But the winds of change,
Made them realize, that the promises were lies.

The white man's greed, in search of gold
Made the nation bleed
They lost their faith
And now they hade to learn
There was no place to return
Nowhere they could turn.

Cherokee - marching on the trail of tears.

They were driven hard, across the plains
And walked for many moons
Cause the winds of change,
Had made them realize, that the promises were lies.

So much to bear, all that pain
Left them in despair
They lost their faith

And now they hade to learn
There was no place to return
Nowhere they could turn


I was heading for the mountains
I had saved so much for you
And in the town i left behind me
There was nothing left to do.

I knew that you were waiting
For me to share your life
Cause i told you when i left, that
When i come back you'll be my wife.

But someone was waiting
In the shadows of the night
Someone was waiting
It just didn't feel right.

Danger on the track
Something told me there were
Strangers on my back
And i was so right.

Maybe i should surrender
Maybe i should give it up
But the strength i had inside
Told me you can never stop.

The men wanted to break me
Steal and bring me down
But i fought for you and later
They were lying on the ground


I like to sit beside the fire
When the light is going down
I like to hear the wild wind blow outside my door
I have so much left to remember
I have so much left to forget
And I know I just don't have to search for more

But you want to change my world
Stay out of my life

Stormwind--you're just like a wind
Comin' to drag me away
Stormwind--what can I say
I just don't want you to stay

I like to walk around in dreams at night
And play with kings and queens 'til the morning light
I like to wake up in the morning unaware
Of the fact that you are calling me
To ask me if I want to be
Someone who you could love and always care for

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