Roll Back

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Nom du groupe Horslips
Nom de l'album Roll Back
Type Album
Date de parution 2004
Style MusicalFolk Progressif
Membres possèdant cet album1


1. Trouble With a Capital T
2. The Man Who Built America
3. Guests of the Nation
4. Faster Than the Hound
5. Huish the Cat
6. Mad Pat
7. The Wrath of the Rain
8. Flirting in the Shadows
9. Cuchulainin's Lament
10. Ace and Deuce
11. Blindman
12. Funiture
13. The Power and the Glory
14. Long Weekend
15. My Love Is in America

Acheter cet album

 $11.42  12,00 €  11,25 €  £5.43  $18.94  15,53 €  15,07 €
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