Happy to Meet, Sorry to Part

Liste des groupes Folk Progressif Horslips Happy to Meet, Sorry to Part
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Nom du groupe Horslips
Nom de l'album Happy to Meet, Sorry to Part
Type Album
Date de parution 1973
Style MusicalFolk Progressif
Membres possèdant cet album2


1. Happy to Meet
2. Hall of Mirrors
3. The Clergy's Lamentation
4. An Bratach Bán
5. The Shamrock Shore
6. Flower Amang Them All
7. Bím Istigh Ag Ól
8. Furniture
9. Ace and Deuce
10. Dance to Yer Daddy
11. Scalloway Ripoff
12. The Musical Priest
13. Sorry to Part

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 $14.50  63,66 €  17,90 €  £11.39  $27.94  23,02 €  102,74 €
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