Evening of Yes Music Plus

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Band Name Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
Album Name Evening of Yes Music Plus
Type Live
Released date 1993
Music StyleSymphonic Prog
Members owning this album0


CD 1
1. Benjamins Brittens Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra
2. Time and a World-Teakbois-Owner of a Lonely Heart
3. The Clap-Mood for a Day
4. Gone but Not Forgotten-Catherine Parr-Merlin the Magician
5. Lond Distance Roundaround
6. Birthright
7. And You and I
CD 2
8. Close to the Edge
9. Theme
10. Brother of Mine
11. Heart of the sunrise
12. Order of the Universe
13. Roundabout

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Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe