Runrig : Big Sky

Folk Rock / United-Kingdom
(1999 - Chrysalis Records)
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+ Big Sky

Diardaoin, an ceathramh latha dhan ‘Ghiblein. Deagh latha eile. Air mo chois trath. Leig mi fhèin is m'athair a-mach an crodh. Tha Alasdair a' treabhadh thall taobh an iar. Dh'fhalbh sinn sios a dh'Orasaigh, fodraigeadh nam beathaichean agus thàinig sinn air ais timcheall Cleit, a' cumail suil a-mach airson na h-uain. Tha e math a bhi beò, tha e math a bhi beò.

The light is on me
All time is here
I'm going down to Clachan
To stem the rush of years
Big sky above me
Powerlines overhead
I get lifted up enraptured
I keep falling at your feet
I'm looking over colourfields
Past the white sands and our human years
And it's all waiting here
Breaking the seed

[It's coming again
Gathering the wind
Returning to claim a harvest
I'm lifted where I stand
On the never-ending land
I'm coming to a sense of home]

Air an òidhche bha sluagh mòr a-staigh agus bha againn ri dhol suas gu taigh Neill airson tuilleadh sheidhrichean. Tha an teaghlach uile dhachaidh a -neisd. A' suidhe air an staidhre a' coimhead air an uinneag. A' gheallach, An Crogaire, Loch an Aonghais. Fhad's a bha Ruairidh Sheumais a' gabhail na leabhraichean. Tha gnothaichean caran mun aon rud.

Wind through the barley
Your early dream
A rising choir of birdsong
Your fields of summer green
It's all passing over
I've no complaints
We're just a row of unlit candles
Waiting at the gate of saints
I'm living on the borderline
Between the moment and the shining miles
The far stretching stones
All the lines of the sown


The light of ancient shine
On your ordinary lives
We joyed went to the fires of harvest

So open up the land
Open up the sand
Returning again in Clachan

+ Da Mhile Bliadhna (Two Thousand Years)

Fo na gealachean
Air rathad da mhile bliadhn'

Co chreideadh na dh' fhairich sinn
'S na chunniac sinn ri ar linn

Dh' fhas am fasach suas
Far an do chuir sinn siol ar naire

Dlieab mor nan daoine
An t-acras is am pathadh

Anns an aineolas
Chaidh ar gairdeachas air chall

Da mhile bliadhna
Air an rathad lethainn mhall

Tha mi direadh a' chnuic as aird'
Airson sealladh, dhan an talamh
Air cul a' ghlinne waobh eile thall

Air sraidean baile a mhaireas
An la nach criochnaich is nach gluais

Tro na h-aireamhean
Mar fharadh theid sinn suas

Anns an dealachadh
Atharraichidh sinn an am priobadh suil

Thoir dhuinn an aireamh nuadh
Na laithean buan


Below many moons
On a two thousand year old road

Who could have believed all that we have seen
And suffered in our generation

The wilderness has grown
Where we have sown the seeds of our shame

Hunger and thirst
The legacy of our population

In our ignorance
Our joy has lost direction

Two thousand years
On the slow broad way

I am climbing up the highest hill
For a sight of the landscape
Behind the other side of the valley

On the streets of the everlasting city
Day will not end, time will not shift

Up through the numbers
We will rise like stepping on a ladder

In the aprting
We will be transformed in the blink of an eye

Give us the new number
The eternal days

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