Penny Dreadful : Fly the Courts of Princes

Gothic Rock / United-Kingdom
(2013 - Miskatonic Records)
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Corruption and greed are terrible things
The thought in this house is that of chagrin
A sense of death in the air tonight
Flee, my son... Flee for your life

The name and power lies in your eyes
You can turn away or stay and finish
Please, child, just listen to me
Fly the courts of princes

Regret of redemption is setting in
Leave now, this is no life to live
With my dying breath, heed my warning
This legacy is yours; don’t take the calling


I dreamt a garden so beautiful
More joyous than the life I can’t fulfil
I long to sleep – escape my conscious
Where I roam so carelessly

Beyond the vines lays a bronze gate
This ends my misery ; it cannot wait
I long to know how to pass through
This sullen life I must not return to

I need to know what lies ahead
I must see the other side
I have to leave this life I’ve lead
Ex Oblivione

Night after night I confront the wall
Will I be able to pass at all ?
This pill I swallow is the key
Beyond this gate I am finally free


Man forced me to be this way
Casting me down
Placed beneath your dancing feet
Five cellars underground

I’ll bring you to my world below
I’ll share my life ; I’ll give my soul
Forced to hide with this disguise
They will never know

I’m branded the phantom of this place
Refusing to find
I am a man in need of love
Yet this I am denied


I’ve got nothing to lose ; so, let’s swap positions
I want you to keep on talking ; I’m here to listen
Your voice will resonate in my mind
Your smile will stay in my sight

I don’t want you to go, so take my place
You’ve got life left to give ; I’ll just waste
Your face is embedded in my thoughts
Please, don’t go... stay here !

Can we exchange our fate on earth ?
I’ll say my goodbye to this world
Stay here now and keep that smile
I’ll watch over you from time to time


I am surrounded; yet I’m alone
Isolation becomes my home
You can take my hearing and my sight
Just leave me someone to call my bride

All I want is to touch, to be felt in this world
I just want to feel wanted, that’s all

To leave me in solitude is fine
But I long for another by my side
To hold each other in the shadows
To be together, forever as one

All I want is to taste, for you to know my name
I just want love, nothing more

I crumble to my knees and scream : “why was I made ?”
Then it comes to me... I was made for you !

lyrics added by Apophis2036 - Modify this lyrics