Struve and Sneff

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Nom du groupe Renaldo and the Loaf
Nom de l'album Struve and Sneff
Type Album
Date de parution 1979
Labels Ralph America
Style MusicalRock Expérimental
Membres possèdant cet album0


1. Meaning of W.E.I.R.D.
2. 16 Going on 17
3. Absence
4. 120 Before Zero
5. Of Bad Teeth
6. My Favourite Things
7. Metro Stomp
1. Scottish Shuffle
2. Flourescent Showboat To Tangier
3. Brittle People
4. Dying Inside
5. Kimbolton Gnome Song
6. The Bathroom Song
*Reissu in 1984

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Renaldo and the Loaf