Special Moves

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Nom du groupe Mogwai
Nom de l'album Special Moves
Type Album
Date de parution 24 Août 2010
Labels Rock Action
Style MusicalPost-Rock
Membres possèdant cet album3


1. I'm Jim Morrison, I'm Dead
2. Friend of the Night
3. Hunted by a Freak
4. Mogwai Fear Satan
5. Cody
6. You Don't Know Jesus
7. I Know You Are But What Am I
8. I Love You, I'm Going to Blow Up Your School
9. 2 Rights Make 1 Wrong
10. Like Herod
11. Glasgow Megasnake
Version Vinyle
12. Yes! I Am a Long Way from Home
13. Scotlands Shame
14. New Paths to Helicon Pt. 1
15. Batcat
16. Thank You Space Expert
17. The Precipice

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