Still Punk and Still Poor

Band's List Punkcore Luta Armada Still Punk and Still Poor
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Band Name Luta Armada
Album Name Still Punk and Still Poor
Type Split
Released date 2003
Music StylePunkcore
Members owning this album0


1. Another Fuckin War
2. Not Again
3. I Hate Discharge
4. Raw Punk as Fuck
5. Set Me Free (Cover Anti-Cimex)
6. Warsystem (Cover Shitlickers)
7. Mita
8. Vida
9. Ha Corrido Sangre Morir
10. Nas Ruas
11. Maskiner (Cover Strebers)
12. Jerk (Cover Rescue in Future)
13. Enamorado de La Muerte (RIP)

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Luta Armada