Life Is Beautiful!

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Band Name Red Hot Chili Peppers
Album Name Life Is Beautiful!
Type Bootleg
Released date 20 August 1999
Labels Ultimate
Music StyleRock Fusion
Members owning this album0


Recorded live in Bizarre Fest, Cologne, Germany, 20.08.1999
1. Around the World
2. Give It Away
3. Scar Tissue
4. Suck My Kiss
5. Soul to Squeeze
6. I Like Dirt
7. If You Have to Ask
8. Organic Anti-Beat Box Band
9. My Lovely Man
10. Right on Time
11. Under the Bridge
12. Me and My Friends
13. Yertle the Turtle/Freaky Styley Medley
14. Cosmic Slop
Festival Bar TV '99
15. Scar Tissue
16. Around the World

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Red Hot Chili Peppers