Better (To Provoke A Reaction Than To React To Provocation)

Band's List Punk-Rock Sid Vicious Better (To Provoke A Reaction Than To React To Provocation)
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Band Name Sid Vicious
Album Name Better (To Provoke A Reaction Than To React To Provocation)
Type Album
Released date 2001
Labels Self Produced
Music StylePunk-Rock
Members owning this album0


1. Search And Destroy
2. Chatterbox
3. Something Else
4. I Wanna Be Your Dog
5. A Gas
6. Steppin' Stone
7. Take A Chance On Me
8. No Lip
9. Chinese Rocks
10. My Way
11. Search And Destroy
12. Chatterbox
13. I Wanna Be Your Dog
14. Something Else
15. Steppin' Stone
16. No Lip
17. A Gas

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Sid Vicious