The Melvins : Nouvel album

Środa 09 Marzec 2016 - 15:45:27 by Brozzy21

Le groupe The Melvins a annoncé la sortie d'un nouvel album où jouent pas moins de 6 bassistes, dont Krist Novoselic de Nirvana et Dale Crover, ex-membre de Nirvana et batteur des Melvins qui empoigne la basse pour l'occasion. Baptisé "Basses Loaded", l'album sortira le 3 juin. 


Pochette : 


Tracklist :

  1. The Decay of Lying (Steve McDonald)

  2. Choco Plumbing (Jared Warren)

  3. Beer Hippie (Dale Crover)

  4. I Want to Tell You (Steve McDonald)

  5. Captain Come Down (JD Pinkus)

  6. Hideous Woman (Steve McDonald)

  7. Shaving Cream (Dale Crover)

  8. Planet Distructo (Trevor Dunn)

  9. War Pussy (Steve McDonald)

  10. Maybe I Am Amused (Krist Novoselic)

  11. Phyllis Dillard (Dale Crover)

  12. Take Me Out to the Ballgame (Dale Crover)


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Hacktivist - 09 Marzec 2016 à 17:00:57

Ahhh, bonne nouvelle !
hack - 21 Czerwiec 2016 à 03:45:20

Cool man...thanks for the tip. I'm new to this band, I bought the CD and I'm working on a review for it. It looks like they also released a new album last spring and someone forgot to add that to their discography. I might have to do that by my own god damned self.
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