Born to Brawl

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Nazwa zespołu Bricktop
Tytuł płyty Born to Brawl
Type Album
Data wpisu 2008
Gatunek muzycznyStreet Punk - Oi
Tylu użytkowników posiada ten album0


1. Burn
2. Born to Brawl
3. Come Again
4. Lesbian Cop
5. Karma's the Price
6. Amphetamine Routine
7. How Much
8. Bricktop
9. Shovelhead
10. Drink Drank Drunk
11. Sunday's News
12. Surrounded by Demons
13. What Once Was
14. Not My King
15. Fuck Those Guys (Members Only Envy)

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 $61.59  41,01 €  179,20 €  £50.51  $81.90  68,99 €  68,99 €
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