Runrig : Access All Areas vol 4

Folk Rock / United-Kingdom
(2003 - Ridge Records)
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+ The Summer Walkers
Sometimes when you journey
Through the pages of a book
You're taken places beyond words
You let them speak their truth
Today I've opened treasures
That my eyes could scarce believe
They're the words of confirmation
Everything that makes me sing

Summer comes to Sutherland
And you bend the hazel bow
You harness up the ponies
And you head out on the road
By Kilbreck and Altnaharra
You journey to your rest
With the guiding might of Suliven
For the campsites of the West

[And it's up by the Shin
And up by the Naver
And the long winding shores of Loch Maree
By Ben Hope and Ben Loyal
By Stack and by Arkle
The road reaches long now the summer is here]

No, your words are not of sentiment
Shallow or untrue
But wells of living water
From their clear deep sides we drew
The songs, the tin, the horses
This country's great and ancient wilds
Your faith in God, and man, and nature
And the keenness of your guile


So have you stood out on Coldbackie
At the time the sun goes down
Or upon the king of campsites
In the hills about Brae Tongue
That's when music filled your evenings
It's all so different now this world
For you were the summer walkers
And the fishers of the pearl

So as we close another chapter
That we label archive gold
Still the Conon flows each morning
And the dew falls on the sloe
But today you took me walking
Through a land that we have lost
While our children sit at websites
With no access to the cost


+ An Sabhal Aig Neill (Neil's Barn)
Craicann searrach agus or
Thall aig an sabhal, an sabhal aig Neill
Se suid an sgeul na Ath-mhor
Thall aig an sabhal, an sabhal aig Neill
'S iomadh Ia. 's loniadh Ia, chaidh sinn suas ga h-iarraidh
Thall aig an sabhal, an sabhal aig Neill
Le crap spaid is puchaid iarainn

Tha na gillean ruith gun sguir
Thal! aig an sabhal, an sabhal aig Neill
Ginealachan. ginealachan. sniomh ma mo shuilean
Thall aig an sabhal, an sabhal aig Neill
Sibhse a sheas aig ceann a bhathalch
Thall aig an sablial, an sabhal aig Neill
Tha sibh air nVinntinn gach Ia

Innse sinn an sgeul dh'an chlann
Thall aig an sabhal, an sabhal aig Neill
An aite seileach bar a bheann
Thall aig an sabhal, an sabhal aig Neill
'S lomadh Ia, 's lomadh Ia. 'bhitheas e air n'intinn
Thall aig an sabhal, an sabhal aig Neill
An sgeul a rnhaireas ri gu sioraidli

Horo eiribli o
Horo ro bho, ro ho-ro


The skin of a foal, and gold
Over by the barn. Neil's barn
That is the Ahmore story
Over by the barn. Neil's barn
Many's a day we went up to search for it
Over by the barn. Neil's barn
With a broken spade and an iron bucket

The boys are running without stopping
Over by the barn. Neil's barn
The generations weaving away in front of my eyes
Over by the barn, Neil's barn
But those that used to stand at the corner of the byre
Over by the barn, Neil's barn
They are on my mind each day

We will tell the story to the children
Over by the barn, Neil's barn
The place of willows on top of the hill
Over by the barn, Neil's barn
Many's a day it will be on their minds
Over by the barn, Neil's barn
The story that will go on forever

Horo boys o
Horo ro bho, ro ho-ro

+ Hearts of Olden Glory
There's thunder clouds 'round the hometown bay
As I walk out in the rain
Through the sepia showers
And the photoflood days

I caught a fleeting glimpse of life
And though the water's black as night
The colours of Scotland
Leave you young inside

[There must be a place
Under the sun
Where hearts of olden glory
Grow young]

There's a vision coming soon
Through the faith that cleans your wound
Hearts of olden glory
Will be renewed

Down the lens where the headlands stand
I feel a healing through this land
A cross for a people
Like wind through your hands


+ Maymorning
I'm alive again on a Maymorning
Go to wipe the slate clean follow my dreams
All the yearning buds are here again
With the promise of a new life to come
Spring is here again

The sun is melting over the hills
All our roads are waiting to be revealed
For this day in history has brought us to here
Now it's all there for the taking
The day is what you see

The light's returning, the work is in hand
All the cynics have vanished from where we stand
All the chances wasted are drawing me near
And all around there's new life rising
From the winter fields

I'm alive again, I'm alive again
I'm alive, I'm alive, I'm alive again x2
I'm alive again

+ Flett From Flotta

+ Sguaban Arbhair (The Sheaves Of Corn)
Bha mi raoir a' siubhal drathair
'S thàinig dealbh do mo laimh
Dealbh mo sheannmhair is mo sheanair
'S balach òg na shuidh' ri 'n taobh

'S iad ag obair aig na sguaban arbhair
Shuidh mi g'an coimhead fad' na h-oidhch'
Thàinig cianalas na m' chridhe
'S thainig cuideam na mo laimh

Chan e aois a tha mi sabaid
Chan e mo bheatha nach eil slàn
'S e bhith fuireach ann a' saoghal maide
Le chuid daoin' nach tuig mo chainnt

Dh'fhalbh mo sheanmhair is mo sheanair
Thuit na sguapan arbhair sios
Dh'fhalbh mi gu saoghal eile
'S dh'fhalbh a' Ghaidhlig bho mo bheul

Uair eile gu bhi dhachaidh
Uair eile gu bhith beò
Ruith mu'n cuairt na sguapan arbhair
Uair eile gu bhi òg


Last night I was looking through a drawer
I came across a photograph
It was a photograph of my grandfather and grandmother
With a small boy by their side

They were working, making sheaves of corn
I sat looking into that photograph all night
A longing came into my heart
And a heaviness bore down upon me

It is not the ageing process that I am resisting
It is not that my life is unfullfilled
It is to realise that I am living in a wooden world
With people that can not understand my language

My grandfather and my grandmother have long gone
The sheaves of corn have fallen down
I have departed to another world
And Gaelic had disappeared from my mouth

Once more to be home
Once more to be alive
Running around the sheaves of corn
Once more to be young

+ An Ros (The Rose)
Ged 's breagha an ròs le dhuilleagan sioda
Faile cho cubhraidh, cubhraidh bho cridh'
Na buain e ri d' mhairean oir ni e do mhealladh
Tha dubhan geur puinnsean, geur puinnsean fo sgeith.

Chreid mi na briathran, a h-uile ni riamh dheth
Cho breagha's cho cubhraidh, cubhraidh am blàth
Bhuain mi am fluran mar Adhamh an ubhlan
'S leonadh mo chridhe, mo chridhe gu brath.

Tha mi nis a' crionadh is m' inntin air phianadh
'S mo shuilean a' sior, sior shileadh dheur
'S ged's tric rinn mi gaire, tha sin nis air an fhaire
'S mo chridhe brisde bruide, brisde bruide gu leir.

Ged's breagha an ròs le dhuilleagan sioda
Faile cho cubhraidh, cubhraidh bho chridh'
Na buain e ri d' mhairean oir ni e do mhealladh
Tha dubhan geur puinnsean, geur puinnsean fo sgèith.


Although the rose is beautiful with leaves like silk
With an enticing aroma, enticing from its heart
Don't ever pick it, or it will deceive you
For there are bitter, poisonous barbs beneath the surface

I believed every word, every single word
So plausible and completely beguiling
I plucked the flower as Adam plucked the apple
And my heart has been wounded, wounded completely

I am now withering, my mind tormented
My eyes continuously shedding tears
Although I have often laughed, we are now watchful
And my heart has been completely broken

+ Tuireadh Iain Ruaidh

+ Anytown
There's thunder clouds round the hometown bay
I go walking in the rain
Through other worlds in better days
Some things are better left that way
We were your soldiers on autumn nights
My last shot fired, my first mistake
I'm looking for the ones that made this place
But they're not there

[If you ever go round anytown
Any time, any where
Looking for the ones young and gone
Look for me I'll be there]

I crossed the ocean, the son of slaves
A golden race in soul decline
I arrived on the King's Port streets
They were the making times
Now the ghosts are moving through the Green
Angels are walking in the Square
The rush of names coming through the layers
And all the spaces in between


If you ever go round your hometown
Where only wood and stone remain
Looking for the ones withe the balls and guns
Look for me I'll be there

Do, do you remember me
Do, do you remember me

The empty places they fill the bars
Faces are moving on the pier
I'm moving up to the Gathering Hall
Time is getting near
Small boats standing in the waves
Line on line below the moon
Morning is waiting out by the caves
We're going to be there soon


Do, do you remember me
Do, do you remember me

On Pembroke Road look out for my ghost
Dishevelled, with shoes untied
Playing at the railings with the little children
Who's children have long since died *

If you ever go round your hometown
Where only wood and stone remain
Looking for the ones withe the balls and guns
Look for me I'll be there

(* From Dublin Town by Patrick Kavanagh)

+ An Toll Dubh/'S Tu Mo Leannan/Nightfall on Marsco
Taobh cuil an dorais cha bhi grian
Suidh aig bord
Cha bhi biadh is cha bhi fion
Taobh cuil an dorais cha bhi grian
Cha bhi biadh is cha bhi fion

Thainig e a sasainn ann
Thainig e
Le eachaibh luath is iuchair throm
Thainig e a sasainn ann
Le eachaibh luath is iuchair throm

Air lar 'san toll dhubh cha bhi grian
Cha bhi gealach
's dubh an oidhche chaidleas sinn
Air lar 'san toll dhubh cha bhi grian
's dubh an oidhche chaidleas sinn

Le eiginn ar n-eirigh as ar suain
Le eiginn ar n-eirigh as ar suain
An gaidheal 's a leabaidh
An gaidheal na shuain
Le eiginn ar n-eiridh as ar suain


On the other side of the door
There will be no sunlight
Sitting at the table
There will be no food and no wine
On the other side of the door
There will be no sunlight
There will be no food and no wine

He came from the south
He came
On a fast horse with a weighty key
He came from the south
On a fast horse with a weighty key

On the dungeon floor
There will be no sunlight
There will be no moon
Dark will be the night of our sleeping
On the dungeon floor
There will be no sunlight
Dark will be the night of our sleeping

It is with difficulty that we will rise from our slumber
It is with difficulty that we will rise from our slumber
The Gael has gone to bed, the Gael is asleep
And it is with difficulty that we will rise from our slumber

('S Tu Mo Leannan/Nightfall on Marsco)

Nightfall on Marsco
Cuchuillin in sheets
This world of Maclean's words
Around us like spirits released
I came to love you
I came to drink
Though dancing in darkness
I'm cup running over and drunk

Darkest of prisons
Oldest of nights
For the dawning round Garsbheinn
In patience we wait for the light
I am a climber
I am a thief
O, kingdom of gabbro
Your strong chains won't hold this love

'S tu mo leannan, leannan o
'S tu mo leannan, leannan o
'S tu mo leannan, 's tu mo leannan
'S tu mo leannan, leannan o


You are my love, love o
You are my love, love o
You are my love, you are my love
You are my love, love o

+ The Lost Reel

+ Tir An Airm (Land Of The Army)
An tèid thu leam a ribhinn og
Gu tir mo ghràidh sitheil sona
'S chi thu saighdearan a' ruith
Am measg nan lusan breagh 'sa mhonadh

A' coimhead a mach air maduinn chiùin
Air ball mor cruinn os cionn na beinne
'S bhon 's os cionn na tonnan gorm
Tha ceol ùr aig ceol na mara

'S an teid thu leam gu tir mo ghràidh
Seall na h-eoin dhorcha dhona
Treabhadh speuran as ar cionn
Deanamh air Steornabhagh le cabhaig

Nis leugh t-eachdraich, fosgail sùil
Anns gach linn mu dhoigh an airm
Stampadh air na croitean seagail
'S beathannan og aig gillean Uibhist

Cha teid mise gu an righ
Cha teid mise an corr a' shabaid
Lunnain mheallt, a Bhreatuinn fhoilleil
Cha seas mi ach 'son sith nan eilean

Horo horainn o
Fàilte gu tir an airm
Horo horainn o


Come along with me, my young girl
To the peaceful, happy land
And you will see soldiers running around
Amongst the beautiful wild machair flowers

And you can look out on peaceful mornings
On the big round ball on top of the hill
And both above and below the green waves
There's a new music to the music of the sea

And will you come along with me my young girl
To see the dark menacing birds
Ploughing the skies above us
Making for Stornoway at speed

Now read your history, open your eyes
To every generation and to the ways of the military
Stamping on the rye fields underfoot
And the young lives of the Uist boys

But I can not rise for the king
I can not fight anymore
The deceit of London, the treachery of Britain
My only fight will be for the preservation of these islands

Horo horainn o
Welcome to the land of the army
Horo horainn o

+ Suilven

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