Carnist : Hellish

Punkcore / United-Kingdom
(2015 - Chaos Rural Records / Alerta Antifascista)
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Some seek answers
In fallow halls
Redundant etchings
From illiterate mouths

Offering entrances
For sanctioned wars
Ideologues gleeful
Of each axe that falls

To belittle, to denigrate
To maintain intolerance
Objectify and abuse
And defend each feeble tack

Learned sciences
Half read and
Even less understood,
Feared and rejected

Only their children
Will feel the scold
The pox of misguided love
Of fatal safe keeping

There is more
In heaven and earth
Than is written
In your philosophy

Snake oil pedaler
In the holy temples
The seats of capital
The slaughter houses


Oh my god look at us
Fucking sadistic sociopaths !
Sentencing ourselves to endless
Betraying social constructs

Golden calves adorn every door
Avert your mind and gaze from
The mire and mar of man
Who made nature a sin

Curse of binaries greatest cost
The separate spheres that asphyxiate
Industriously welding shackles
To that which no one yearns to be

To rend any sense of self
Ever further from the truth
The mire and mar of man
Who made us all a sin


Capable hands do our bidding
Outsource the killing, the letting of blood !
Culpable for these heinous acts
At least claim the life ! Admit the death !
Cowardice hides behind cellophane wrap
Hold on tight to the smiling charade !
The mocking advert of the animal giving of its flesh Willingly

Do we owe them a life ?
Do we owe them a life ?
Of course we fucking do

Condone the hung drawn and quartered
Normalise death ! Desensitise death !
False declarations of empathy
Organic meat ? Humane slaughtering ?
Every swallow a bloody betrayal
Every shrug a passive sentence
At least own up to your selfishness
You are a tomb you are a tomb !

(Repeat x2)
Do we owe them a life ?
Do we owe them a life ?
Of course we fucking do


I carry this stone
Upon the nape of my neck
I hunch lower and lower
I feel lower and lower

Fear is my keeper
Languish in dread
Fear inadequacy
Fear of not achieving enough

I find so much solace
In creativity and friendship
Yet it nags at me to criticise
And deconstruct all that I do

I do not want to endure
What I self inflict,
I am not a fan of this
No not one fucking bit

We are greater than the sum of our fears
We are greater than our anxieties
Not governed by lack of confidence
We are someone, I am someone

I find so much solace
In creativity and friendship
Yet it nags at me to criticise
And deconstruct all that I do

I do not want to endure
What I self inflict,
I am not a fan of this
No not one fucking bit

Every time

Every time I have to stay in
Every awkward day in my skin
Every single panic attack
Damned If I will let it win


We have become sick
On the offal of innocents
Listen to the incessant significant
Whine that speaks volumes

We are the torturers shank
The glib slip of entrails
The despicable act
In the name of lust

Someone's body hangs lifeless
Who loved and eagerly lived
Who heard their mother sing
Who saw their mother bleed

We have let the grey void consume
It ate a gaping hole in us all
It loosened its jaw wide
Devouring without prejudice

{We numbed the internal dispute
We closed off our sympathy
And found dark places within
To closet our revulsion}

We stole them away {from pastures}
We told them we owned them
"You no longer own your limbs
You no longer own your skin !"

And when we cut into them
And they defecated with fear
And tried to flee and screamed
We still claimed they could not feel

Can only we feel pain ?
Is it really unique to us ?
Are they really fooling us ?
Are they merely automaton ?

Yet the whine increased
Instilled a sinking feeling
We saw the slaughter, the carnage,
And rape, we shook the stupor

And In the cold light
We felt each knife enter
Felt the wrenching burn
And the desperation to live

The connective tissue healed
We gathered the proof
Saw beyond the carven dead
Saw the mother and her young

No longer food, no longer ours

Until every stall is open
Until every cage is empty


Does it really boil down to this ?
The sanctimonious consequence
Bloodied noses and shards of teeth
The grizzled remembrance

We’ve really let ourselves go
Effigies of blessed times
The time before the floods
The droughts, the displaced peoples

This is human conditioning
Caked in indifference
Until it strikes us where it hurts
The inconvenience

My patience is just fumes
I stall amidst stagnant hordes
Fleshy coffins made mobile
All mouth, gaping hollow

Caught in the glare of sloth
Lashing out impotently
Unable to convey
The slightest original thought

This is human conditioning
Xaked in indifference
Until it strikes us where it hurts
The inconvenience

And so we anguish
In dark age principles
In the raw palm of violence
At the brink of our undoing

Pay attention before
The march of horseman cometh
The fires rain choking soot
Our children wish they had not been born

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