Progressive Records

Type Recording Studio
Dirección 61 French Market Pl. New Orleans
Ciudad New Orleans
Paîs USA
Sitio Web
Progressive Records is an American jazz record company and label owned by the Jazzology group. It produces reissues and compilations of artists like Sonny Stitt, Eddie Barefield, George Masso, and Eddie Miller. Progressive was founded by Gus Statiras in New York in 1950, more aggressively issuing albums during the first half of the 1950s until the business went into decline. Savoy Records bought and reissued much of the label's catalog, then sold it to Prestige with backing from Bainbridge, a Japanese record company. Progressive had a revival in the late 1970s when Statiras bought the label back from Fantasy Records, which by then had absorbed Prestige, which continued into the 1980s. Progressive's second era was included recordings by Buddy DeFranco, Scott Hamilton, J. R. Monterose, and Al Haig. In the laset 1980s, Progressive was acquired by George Buck and his Jazzology group and is owned by the George H. Buck Jr. Jazz Foundation. Progressive received a Grammy Award nomination with the first album by pianist Judy Carmichael, Two-Handed Stride. Carmichael was backed by some of the best veteran sidemen in Los Angeles.

Recorded albums