Wouldn't You Like It?

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Band Name Bay City Rollers
Album Name Wouldn't You Like It?
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 1975
Musik GenrePop Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen2


1. I Only Wanna Dance With You
2. Don't Stop the Music
3. Shanghai'd in Love
4. Love Is....
5. Maybe I'm a Fool to Love You
6. Too Young to Rock and Roll
7. Saturday Night
8. Give a Little Love
9. Wouldn't You Like It?
10. Here Comes That Feeling Again
11. Lovely to See You
12. Eagles Fly
13. Derek's End Piece
14. She'll Be Crying Over You
15. Wouldn't You Like It? (1972 version)
16. I'd Do It Again

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Bay City Rollers